First of all your comments from the names post had me cracking up. And I agree with Maria about not wanting to choose too common of a name. As a Jennifer, I know what a royal pain in the ass that can be.
Anyhow, for the past week or so, I've been having an on-again, off-again throbbing pain near my right ovary. Last night I woke up with it and couldn't fall back to sleep for an hour or so. So this morning I called the RE's office to get their opinion, and they told me to come on in for an ultrasound to check it out. It only turned out to be a pretty small cyst that looked to be draining. My doc said the draining could be causing the pain or it could simply be the uterus expanding. In any case, I felt like an idiot for coming in over nothing.
But I did get a sneak peak at what DH has termed "the growth". Obviously we need a better nickname. Anyhow we saw the gestational sac measuring about 5mm, which my doctor said was a good sign. From what I've found via google that is on par with what you'd expect around the 5 week mark. And since I'm somewhere between 4 weeks 4 days (if you count from LMP) and 4 weeks 6 days (if you count from the IUI) that is right on target.
Now back to the previously scheduled program...waiting. Just over two more weeks until the "real" ultrasound.
Oh Jen. You are going to be at the doctor at least twice a week I'm sure. I think that we should set an over/under on how many times you go to the doctor appointments during your pregnancy. Any bets??
Sorry about the cyst but I'm glad you got to sneak in an ultrasound and you got a peak at "the growth".
YAY for a sneak peak! So glad that you're measuring on time!!!
I wanted to chime in in support of your husband's nickname, "the growth." It's pretty funny (and unusual). I'd stick with it.
Way to get an early ultrasound, my dear!
And congratulations on getting a sneak peak at "The Growth!"
So excited for you!
It is better to be safe than sorry at this point. Sorry that you have a cyst, though. Godd thing it is nothing more serious.
Glad all is well! My ovaries hurt for much of my first trimester. The reason I was given is that they support the baby for the first 10 weeks until the placenta takes over. That could all just be bull, but it helped calm my nerves. :)
I'm so glad that you and "the growth" are doing well:) Yay for the sneak peek too!
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