Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Ramblings

I got up this morning to find Jeramy had set out my Valentine's Day present...
Yup, a chocolate fish! What more could a girl (especially one that loves to fish) ask for? He also got me a few other items, because he is an awfully sweet husband after all.

I finished blocking and sewing buttons on to the baby sweater for Debbie. Everybody in my knitting circle was very impressed and wanted to borrow the pattern. I think this may be my favorite knitting project to date.
On the pregnancy front, I'm assuming that things are going swimmingly in the spirit of my new found optimism. I'm afraid that constipation continues to plague me, and the extra fiber plum juice I tried last week did nothing to help things along. So this week, I'm trying the less pleasant option of prune juice. I've managed to gulp a cup down yesterday and today along with a breakfast of a high fiber cereal. I'm just wondering how long it will take to work. Oh and if one cup a day is enough. Does anybody know???


George said...

OMG - that fish is hilarious! LOVE IT! Your DH is extra special :)

The sweater you made is're very talented. I couldn't knit well if you paid me...sewing is a little more my speed.

Thanks for your sweet comments on my posts...I truly appreciate all the support!

Enjoy V-day and all that yummy chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Do you like cheese? I was having, umm, problems a few weeks ago and got some of this new Kraft LiveActive cheese and it really seemed to help.

Good luck! And the fish is terrific! :)

Maria said...

I love the fish!! So sweet of DH!

The baby sweater is beautiful, you should be quite proud of yourself!!

Sorry about the constipation. My mom swears by Metamucil. I used it a few times after my egg retrieval, for some reason I was have major back-up issues. And the Metamucil really helped.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Katie said...

I actually don't mind prune juice and I was drinking a glass every night to get things "moving" in the morning. It took a couple of days. I also was eating 5 - 6 regular prunes in the afternoon for awhile.

There are also prenatals with stool softener in them - I HIGHLY recommend those.

jenn said...

Congrats on the heartbeat! Sorry about the backup problems. I started eating oatmeal every day- pretty much, and I put a spoonful of Benefiber in my tea every morning- I've found that those two things have made a big difference in evening me out- although my pblem tends towards the other (ie- IBS) direction. I also put dried apricots in the oatmeal which helps too. And lots & lots of water.

Kathy V said...

The sweater is beautiful. I like the fish. I saw those in the drug stores around here. I was going to get that for my husband since he likes fishing a lot more than I do.

Mazzy said...

I LOVE THAT FISH!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear by Fiber One cereal with a banana and cup of coffee every morning for regularity. It's not the tastiest, but I guarantee it will open the gates!

Sunny said...

LOL It's great that your hubby knows you well enough to know that a chocolate fish is the PERFECT Valentine gift. :)

Very impressed with the sweater, too, btw!

Barb said...

I find that Kashi products help me a LOT (it must be that 7 whole grains thing).

Love the sweater. :)

Monica Fayth said...

gorgeous sweater! and I love the sweater. not sure about the irregularity issues. sorry