It seems that life doesn't always go as planned yet flexibility is an art that I have yet to master.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Ellie...half dog, half peacock

Monday, October 29, 2007
Ovarian Cyst, Take 2
They drew blood at the doctor's office and will call me tomorrow with a game plan. It will likely involve waiting and more ultrasounds to make sure the cyst shrinks. While I'm not thrilled with today's conclusion at least it is a conclusion. Otherwise the combination of no period, negative pregnancy tests and low basal temps would have driven me over the edge. And on the bright side I'm now free to enjoy a beer or glass of wine and all ultrasounds will be covered by insurance until that friendly growth in lefty is gone.
A Busy Weekend
I had drinks with a couple former co-workers on Friday night at Ivar's Salmon House (great happy hour!); Jeramy and I cleared out tons of blackberry bushes from our backyard, mowed the lawn and made a dump run Saturday morning; I ran a bunch of errands and had Direct TV installed Saturday afternoon; we went to a Halloween party Saturday night; I cleaned the house Sunday morning; and we went to my father-in-law's for dinner Sunday afternoon/evening.
Please wait just a second while I catch my breath...
I managed to squeeze out a little time to work on projects. I made a lot of progress on the scarf I've been knitting (check out the pic), and I worked on the Christmas stocking I'm cross-stitching for myself.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
More on the gardening front...
Ugh. But I just couldn't resist.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Why must gardening be so difficult?
One of the goals I set for myself in the spring was getting my front yard in ship shape. In April, I was off to a good start. I fertilized the lawn, sprayed weed killer, bought containers and planted flowers, weeded the flower beds, and planted new plants and seeds for annuals. Unfortunately my good intentions were quickly uprooted by gardening chaos, my inexperience, and my lack of time (and desire) to do yardwork. This was exemplified by the following experiences:
- To save money I planted annual seeds including Marigolds, Cosmos and Sweet Peas. When I read the Cosmos package I thought it said they grew to be 6". Well it turns out there was just one apostrophe after that six...so they really grew to be 6'. By July the Cosmos were running wild and taking over the entire flower bed. I mean they were annuals! Who knew that annuals could grow to be so big??? Jeramy just shook his head and asked why I always managed to plant things that grew too large, because yes this is not the first time this has happened. Finally he pulled them out for me using his quad and a tow rope on Monday, and I finished weeding my much emptier flowerbed yesterday.
- I'm simply not good at keeping up with my lawn. My fastidious neighbor across the street mows his lawn every week throughout the year. Even in January when the lawn grows at a rate of 1mm/week he is out there mowing rain or shine. I, on the other hand, am lucky if I can garner the energy to cut the dandelion infestation I call a "lawn" twice a month. And unlike my neighbor's grass in the dead of winter, dandelions seem to grow at a rate of 6 inches per day in mid-summer. So for the greater part of the summer months what I'm left with is dead brown grass and a vast array of stout yellow flowers. I guess that I can grow flowers...just not the desired kind.
- There is also the Jeramy factor. Now I do the bulk of the yard work myself because (1) Jeramy has allergies but more importantly (2) I care more about what our yard looks like than he does. That isn't to say that he doesn't care. My standards are just higher in that department. (Just like his standards are higher when it comes to the number of motorcycles one must own). The problem isn't so much that he doesn't do a lot of the gardening. Rather, it is really that he often compromises my efforts. For example, in August he dumped a large pot of boiling crabs in the front yard. This has resulted in a 2' x 2' section of grass that is now dead...permanently dead. Like everything around it is nice and green but it maintains a brown color and straw like texture.
I've come to hate people with beautiful yards. The sorts of people who love going out every afternoon and weekend to play in the dirt. And why do these people have to live by me???
It's hopeless I'm afraid.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jeramy's newest toy and Cujo's latest distress
Then, as if the walk wasn't enough for the poor canine, Jeramy's mom Dee came over with his niece Julia. Once the latter familiarized herself with her surroundings, she promptly stole poor Cujo's toys.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Like a kid on Christmas morning
More on the new motorcycle later. I do have some pictures of the quad though both before and after Jeramy rode it on Sunday. It is a CanAm Renegade 800. He was very particular about which bike he bought because he wanted something two wheel drive that was fast and sporty for riding in the dunes, but he also wanted something with four wheel drive that he could ride for hunting. He was all smiles after riding it on Sunday because it fits both bills very well. Accomodating both is pricier, but he should be able to enjoy this quad for many years, unlike the malfunction-prone Warrior.
Unlike Jeramy, I didn't get to go riding this weekend because I've been laid up with a sinus infection since Thursday. I'm still stuffy today but I've got my energy back and appear to be on the mend. However this meant that I spent my weekend on indoor activities, which was fine by me anyhow. I made progress on the socks and scarf I am mending, I finally sewed a liner in my crocheted purse and I finished piecing together the Christmas stocking I cross-stitched for Jeramy. Here's a pic...I'm so happy it is finally done. It took me nearly 2 years! I got the supplies on Sunday to start my stocking. Hopefully that won't take me another 2 years. (It shouldn't since mine is a sampler rather than an intense scenic pattern like his)
Friday, October 19, 2007
9 years and I still really miss her
I love you mom, and I miss you.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Remember Chuck Taylors?
Anyhow, the new ones have skulls on them. They're pretty cool looking if you ask me. Check the pattern out here: http://www.converse.com/LiveFiles/1/2245/1W630_220.jpg. Jeramy is getting the high-top version though.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wow...suddenly I'm a two rooms clean at a time sort of gal!
Now I was not a particularly clean child as my bedroom reflected. But once I was an adult with my own place, I vowed to keep my house clean at all times. It couldn't be that hard, right???
It is several years later, and I don't think I've ever been successful in that quest for more than a month at a time. There are lots of reasons for this...I'm too tired after work to clean, Jeramy is a "bit" of a slob, we just keep getting more and more stuff, and after a while it all becomes overwhelming.
Well this last weekend, I managed to make something of a dent in the mess we call home. In fact, I got not one, but two rooms cleaned (kitchen and living room). And not just kind of clean. Really clean. Last night I sat in the living room knitting and admiring the sanctuary I had created. It's amazing the sense of calm you can get from a clean room. Of course that all goes away the second I walk into the bathroom or the bedroom or God forbid one of Jeramy's rooms. But I guess that is what doors are for!
Friday, October 5, 2007
It's Definitely Fall in Seattle
What I did learn this week is that San Diego is not a very pretty city. It is very desert like and wants for green. I hear that it is much prettier outside of the city, but unfortunately I never got out of Mission Valley. It does help me appreciate Seattle though.
Anyhow no big plans for the weekend. My house is a wreck since Jeramy was left to his own devices during my trip, which translates to no cleaning. So I'll probably spend the bulk of my time trying to rectify that situation and watching the Seahawks game on Sunday.