Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is that a Light at the end of the Tunnel?

The light is faint, but I'm finally starting to see it. At the old house there is just cleaning left to do and it can go on the market. Our real estate agent is coming tomorrow to do a walk through. At the new house, appliances are being delivered today. Woohoo! We're talking a dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, washer and dryer. Now if Jillian and I could just get over our colds life would be just grand.


Kelly said...

Yay for the light!!! When do we get to see pics of the new place?? I suppose that comes after you having a bed to sleep in. ~sigh~

tee hee hee!

George said...

Oh thank goodness there's a visible light at the end of your tunnel! Get that house on the market and get it sold! Yeah for appliances...definitely something to celebrate!

I hope you're all adjusting great to the new house - and I hope Jillian is doing great too.

By the way, just wanted you to know I fixed the link to those videos on my you can now view them if you want! Take care...

Sunny said...

Getting new appliances is very exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of the place once you get settled. Hope you feel better soon.

sarah23 said...

Yay for progress! BTW, the pictures of Jillian on the previous post are absolutely beautiful!

KandiB said...

New fridge AND new W&D AND new dishwasher AND new microwave? LUCKY! How fun! Just getting "the cold" now...hope you feel better soon!