All in all we had a lovely day together even if it was busy. After getting some packing done in the morning, we had lunch with my mother-in law. Then we went to downtown Seattle to enroll Jillian in a study for type 1 diabetes. It turns out that she has some of the genetic markers for the disease that puts her at increased risk (1/30 as opposed to 1/300), which is not surprising since my brother is a type 1 diabetic. Since I work in clinical research, I'm always interested in such studies especially when they focus on a disease that hits so close to home for my family. After that, we stopped by my work to visit Jillian's Aunt Jaime and Lauren. With the exception of the last stop when she was cranky and in need of a nap, she behaved beautifully. She has reached an age where she doesn't fuss much unless she is tired or hungry. The hunger part is easy to deal with as I now predict when she'll want a bottle, and she sleeps well in her carseat provided that we are moving in a car or shopping card. Plus she is easily entertained and happy to spend her time just observing what is going on around her. This combined makes it very easy to take her out in public, and I figured I should enjoy it now as this stage may well be short-lived.
Jeramy got pizza on the way home from work and made Mojitos, which is my new favorite cocktail. We had some quiet time as a family while feeding her a bottle, giving her a bath and getting her to sleep for the night. While my 30th birthday was marked by the frustration of infertility, this year was marked by the quiet celebration of what I have waited so very long for. While it hasn't been the easiest 3 months, every moment has been well worth it.
And of course since it has been a few posts, I must leave you with the latest in Jillian photographs. Every time I look at her, I shake my head in amazement over how this completely adorable little girl is ours. It is enough to bring me to tears sometimes (cheesy but true).
Good luck with the return to work tomorrow!
Happy birthday! Good luck at work today.
She is so freaking adorable! I love the picture with her feet sticking straight out from the bumbo... the little socks!! Love it!
Happy Birthday and good luck with work! She is such a cutie!!! :)
Totally Adorable!!
Happy Belated Birthday too!!!
Jillian is adorable!!! Cujo is very cute too:)
GL on heading back to work!!
Oh, when in move in day at the new house?
Happy Birthday to you both!!
It should be illegal to be so damn cute! Loving the jeans!
It has only been in the past year or so that I realized the place down the street will cut all three of my big dogs nails for like $3 a dog. Why did I fight them all those years to cut them?
Oh goodness...she gets cuter by the day!
She seems to love that little chair...Jules isn't in love with his as much.
I need to get current pics of him on our blog...I love seeing new photos of Jillian - she's getting so big!
happy belated! and ps - jillian is so.darn.cute.!!
That bumbo seat appears to be a godsend!! I just love my little niece to death! It was so great to see her yesterday, even if she was a little cranky :) At least we got a few smiles out of her!
She really is precious sweetness =) And isn't that crying thing crazy? I do it with Cullen too, it's like it comes from out of no where sometimes. Growing up I used to wonder why my Mom cried so much (she's a huge crier anyways!), but now I know why!
Happy birthday! It sure has been a big year.
Jillian is VERY adorable. The bumbo seat pictures are precious!
Good luck tomorrow. At least it's Friday already, right?
Happy Bday! I have to say Jen that so far she looks like a mini-you to me.
She sure is adorable, Happy birthday =D
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