Jillian was completely spoiled, of course. Here are some pictures of her fun...
Christmas Eve she got a Pelican pull toy with balls in its mouth from her great aunt and uncle. She really liked taking the balls out of the pelican's mouth and throwing them down the stairs. Luckily she also thought it was fun to retrieve the balls, which thankfully she can do by herself. We took down the baby gate at the top of the stairs before company came over, but I think we're going to leave it off since she is so mobile on the stairs now.
Christmas morning, Jillian woke up to find that Santa brought her a play kitchen! She likes it almost as much as the real one...more maybe since these cabinets don't have locks on them. We moved the changing table out of her room and into Hayden's to make room for toys (Jeramy already painted Hayden's room if you can believe it). I figured that I would change her diapers in there, and after the baby is born we'll set up the pack n play as a second diaper changing station.
She and her cousin Julia got life size dolls (well bigger than life at their current size). They modeled with Aunt Brittany/Julia's mom because it is pretty much impossible to get a decent shot of both of them without adult intervention.
Jeramy's mom made Jillian the coolest rocking motor cycle. It turned out really great (which is good given the countless hours that went into it!). At first Jillian was uncertain about sitting on it, but once Julia showed her how she was fine.
Riding her new quad. She could figure out how to hit the button to get it to move but only in little spurts. Jeramy practiced with her last night, and she was getting the hang of holding it down longer. Not too much longer until she can ride a real one!
But where are the footballs and trains?? :) Looks very cute, and very girlie. Glad you guys enjoyed your Christmas!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Hooray!
I announced to my family that next year we wouldn't be traveling on Christmas day. Like you said, it's time to start our own traditions!
Looks like a totally cool Christmas. I always wanted a life size doll when I was younger.
Never got one :(
Jillian made out like a bandit! (So did Harry :)
We put our feet down this year. We did the traveling on the 23rd (to see my dad), then spent the rest of the holiday at home (well, we went to my MILs for dinner on Christmas day, but it's only ten minutes away and everyone there helped with the keeping-child-from-breakables project). It was far better than the 21 Christmases preceding it that I spent away from home. I highly recommend it.
She is so cute- I can't believe she's going up & down stairs & riding quads- what happened to your little baby?!
I was sort of glad we got all of the snow this year - the perfect excuse for not driving all over kingdom come.
I can't believe how big she is getting! And her hair is so long!
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