Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2nd Trimester

Today I am 13 weeks 3 days pregnant. 1/3 of the way to having another baby. Entering my 2nd trimester. SECOND trimester. Crazy, I know!

I have had a very easy first trimester as you know. No morning sickness. The sciatica is gone. I've been tired for sure, and Jillian's bedtime is often my bedtime. Of course the last time around, fatigue was much easier to handle because I could just fall asleep whenever I wanted without worrying that some little being living in my house would jump off the couch or unravel an entire roll of toilet paper.

We had the nuchal translucency scan on Monday. I got quite nervous after they measured the nuchal fold at 2.0mm, because that was higher than I remembered with Jillian. However they reassured me that it was fine, and because I didn't believe them I later confirmed with Dr. Google that this is the case. Phew! Now I just have to wait for the blood work.

Of course the real reason we even did this screen to begin with was to get a peek at the baby who was moving around quite a bit and making things tough for the technician. She got all sorts of good pictures of their profile, feet, etc. But for some reason, this is the one they printed out this one:
I think we're going to nickname this baby, the blob. I think the blob on the right is the head and the blob on the left is the body but I can't be sure. When the gal handed me this, I was sort of dumbfounded but lacked the energy to complain. Whatever. At least the blob is measuring ahead at 13 w 5 d (and this was a couple days ago). And the heartbeat was a nice 162bpm.

Thanks for all the advice on Jillian in my last post. My aunt was actually the first to suggest Roseola on facebook. The fever didn't seem to last long enough to be a textbook case, but everything else seems to match. Regardless, the rash has been gradually going away and hopefully it will be all cleared up by Halloween.


Jamie said...

Wow - second trimester! It seems like it is already flying by. Of course I'm not the one pregant and chasing a precious one year old around . . .

Kelly said...

Holy crap....the 2nd tri! Wow! That went really fast....although I'm sure your whole pregnancy will go fast for me! hee hee hee;)

Glad Jillian's doing better!

George said...

So glad Jillian's rash is doing better. And great news about getting into your 2nd trimester!!! YAY!!!

Sunny said...

So... you're having a frog? Crossed with a turkey? Thanks for nothing, u/s tech. :)

So did you get a hint at the sex and you're keeping us in suspense, or was it too early to tell?

Nicky said...

That ultrasound is definitely one to save for the baby book. "And here, little one, is what you looked like at 13 weeks! See how cute? Too bad we still weren't quite positive whether or not you had a head...."

Barb said...

YAY for sciatica gone! I hate that crap! Mine's been MUCH better with the support band.

And the fatigue thing with a first baby too? oh man. That is a very scary thing to me. It's hard for me to work and be pg only! haha.

jenn said...

I can't believe it's second tri already! My coworker is around 11 weeks now (I just found out she was pregnant when I started back!) & I keep on mentally comparing you both- she has a 2 year old girl, so You definitely have more chasing & less 'help'! It must be exhausting!

What a cute... blob? You'd think they'd automatically print the good ones! Darn tech

K @ ourboxofrain said...

congrats on reaching the second trimester!

if i had to guess, i'd say the head is on the left, facing down (so the whitish arc on the top of the right side is the left arm), but it's just a guess. i can't believe how bad that picture is, though. so frustrating!