Sunday, September 7, 2008

Quiet Weekend

So far, we've enjoyed some pretty quiet weekends in September. Perhaps I should say that I've enjoyed them. Jeramy, on the other hand, gets quite antsy and feels the need to get out of the house. Luckily he is happy to take a ride on the motorcycle and leave me to the peace and quiet of home. I've been using the extra time to work on knitting and cross-stitch projects, that I'm trying to finish before Jillian arrives. It's a good thing I'm happy being a homebody, since there will be plenty more of that in the months to come. I'm a little concerned about Jeramy though, because he is rarely content to sit at home.

My co-workers threw me a baby shower last week. I was thinking that it would just be something small, and I was admittedly overwhelmed by all the gifts. They bought us a swing, which was the last big item that we needed. I also received a ton more clothes (including some larger sizes!) and lots of other items. After we buy a lamp, I think that the nursery will be complete. I can't believe there are just a few weeks left, give or take. Every strange pain I feel, makes me stop and wonder if this is it.

I'm more than happy to wait a few more weeks though. I really need to get a couple more weeks in on my projects at work so that they are in a good stopping place, as there is nobody to cover for my absence. Friday, I ended up working from home because our van pool was not running, and I had no meetings scheduled. It was nice to put my swollen feet up for the day, and I got a ton of work done. I was so productive it was almost difficult to quit for the day. If I'm feeling as exhausted by the end of next week as I was feeling at the end of this last one, I might need do the same thing again. While I've had an easy time of it pregnancy-wise, I must admit that the swelling, aches and fatigue are starting to catch up with me.


Jamie said...

It always feels good to get a good momentum going and get a bunch of stuff done. Sometimes I am so much more productive at home because I don't have the interruptions from being at work.

Enjoy your quiet time!

RBandRC said...

Enjoy your quiet time and savor those last few weeks! She'll be here before you know it! :)

CanadianMama said...

Enjoy your quite time, you'll get it again but it will be when the baby wants!
That tired feeling goes away as soon as you have the baby. Even with the first few months of getting no sleep I still had more energy than when I was preggo!
I used that time to make a bunch of meals and freeze them for when the baby came. It was really helpful because for the first few weeks I could not get it together enough to prepare a dinner!

Jaime said...

I saw your co-workers carrying "it's a girl" balloons, and figured it was for you - how nice of them! I'm sooooo excited to meet my niece!

George said...

I'm starting to see also that the end of our 3rd trimester isn't so easy. Like you said...the aches and fatigue is tough!

Glad you're getting some stuff done at home though and you're not busy elsewhere.

Nicky said...

Quiet weekends at home have been lifesavers for me. Doesn't solve the swelling, aches and fatigue, but it certainly makes them more manageable.

Mazzy said...

Yes, enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts! I cannot believe how close you are getting and how soon little Jillian is going to be here. Amazing.

Sunny said...

The last couple of weeks are the toughest! You are smart to get as much accomplished now as you can. :)

Kathy V said...

I love being able to spend a few quiet minutes at home when my husband is gone. Glad to hear that all is going pretty well though.