Hi there. I hope 2012 is treating everybody well. After an unplanned hiatus due to...well...life, I've started blogging again. I'm not sure if there is anybody still out there but just in case, here is my new home:
Despite the Best Laid Plans...
It seems that life doesn't always go as planned yet flexibility is an art that I have yet to master.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Oh Sh*t
It seems that Jillian is a parrot these days.
And it seems that her mommy has a potty mouth.
Oops. Apparently we are entering the phase where we must watch what we say around little ears and wait until after bedtime to catch certain shows or movies. I'm hoping she forgets her new found phrase soon. We'll see about that...
And it seems that her mommy has a potty mouth.
Oops. Apparently we are entering the phase where we must watch what we say around little ears and wait until after bedtime to catch certain shows or movies. I'm hoping she forgets her new found phrase soon. We'll see about that...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sleep Deprivation and Me
I have never been one to handle sleep deprivation well. I become cranky. I drink a lot of caffeine. Probably unsafe levels. I eat a lot of cookies. And I make very little sense. So good luck following this post.
You see I have always placed high value on my sleep. In college, when other students who crammed all night before an exam, I'd go to bed early even if I hadn't finished my preparations. As an adult I have never been a night owl and usually had to drag Jeramy away from parties so I could get some sleep. As a parent, I have always made it a priority to get my kids on a bedtime routine so that I could go to bed at a reasonable hour. (Well and I guess to help instill good sleeping habits in my children...it's not always about me).
So when illness strikes like this past week and I only get a few hours of sleep each night for a week...well...I feel like I morph into some kind of psychopathic bitch. My sole life's purpose becomes finding a way to someway, somehow increase hours of sleep. Preferably consecutive hours.
Sometimes I really feel like I'm alone in this. That if I were a perfect mom, sleep would be unnecessary. I despise reading Facebook posts of new moms that go like this:
"It's so amazing how little sleep I can function on and still be a super, fantabulous mommy. Who needs sleep when I have this darling munchkin in my life!"
In my assessment, these moms are either:
A: Infinitely superior to me
B: Superheroes with the ability to function with no sleep
C: Lying to themselves in hopes that if they say it, it's true
D: Trying to live up to the unattainable perfect mom persona
For the record...I really hate D.
I mean can't we just be honest sometimes? Losing sleep sucks. Changing diaper blow outs sucks. Taking care of sick children sucks. Diffusing a new temper tantrum every 30 minutes sucks. Having your hair pulled by a 10 month old with the strength of Superman sucks.
So when I'm tired and hear other moms drone on and on about their amazing lives, I get cranky. I guess that there are just times that I look around and feel like all I see are perfect moms on FB...perfect moms on blogs...perfect moms on message boards. You know the ones. Skinny. Glowing complexions. Fashionable. With beautifully dressed well-behaved children. Their lives captured in pristine photographs. No worries about money. Whip up gourmet meals every night. Have perfect relationships with their gorgeous and appreciative husbands. Amazingly talented. And always well rested on just one hour of sleep.
It's times like these that I remember that I'm am just not one of those moms. I can't do it all. And right now all I can really manage to do is work on getting these sick kids better and squeeze in a couple hours of sleep. Perfection, it seems, will have to wait.
You see I have always placed high value on my sleep. In college, when other students who crammed all night before an exam, I'd go to bed early even if I hadn't finished my preparations. As an adult I have never been a night owl and usually had to drag Jeramy away from parties so I could get some sleep. As a parent, I have always made it a priority to get my kids on a bedtime routine so that I could go to bed at a reasonable hour. (Well and I guess to help instill good sleeping habits in my children...it's not always about me).
So when illness strikes like this past week and I only get a few hours of sleep each night for a week...well...I feel like I morph into some kind of psychopathic bitch. My sole life's purpose becomes finding a way to someway, somehow increase hours of sleep. Preferably consecutive hours.
Sometimes I really feel like I'm alone in this. That if I were a perfect mom, sleep would be unnecessary. I despise reading Facebook posts of new moms that go like this:
"It's so amazing how little sleep I can function on and still be a super, fantabulous mommy. Who needs sleep when I have this darling munchkin in my life!"
In my assessment, these moms are either:
A: Infinitely superior to me
B: Superheroes with the ability to function with no sleep
C: Lying to themselves in hopes that if they say it, it's true
D: Trying to live up to the unattainable perfect mom persona
For the record...I really hate D.
I mean can't we just be honest sometimes? Losing sleep sucks. Changing diaper blow outs sucks. Taking care of sick children sucks. Diffusing a new temper tantrum every 30 minutes sucks. Having your hair pulled by a 10 month old with the strength of Superman sucks.
So when I'm tired and hear other moms drone on and on about their amazing lives, I get cranky. I guess that there are just times that I look around and feel like all I see are perfect moms on FB...perfect moms on blogs...perfect moms on message boards. You know the ones. Skinny. Glowing complexions. Fashionable. With beautifully dressed well-behaved children. Their lives captured in pristine photographs. No worries about money. Whip up gourmet meals every night. Have perfect relationships with their gorgeous and appreciative husbands. Amazingly talented. And always well rested on just one hour of sleep.
It's times like these that I remember that I'm am just not one of those moms. I can't do it all. And right now all I can really manage to do is work on getting these sick kids better and squeeze in a couple hours of sleep. Perfection, it seems, will have to wait.
Monday, February 28, 2011
10 Months Old
Hayden turned 10 months old yesterday. I can hardly believe it but first birthday planning has already descended upon us! We didn't do much celebrating over the weekend however. She is still as cute and cuddly as ever, but also impossible to hold at times. She scratches, pinches and pulls hair. Then she flails around like she wants down. But you put her down and she cries. Plus anytime she is in your lap, Jillian wants to be there as well. So then Hayden proceeds to pull her sister's hair, which is also not much appreciated. How do you explain to a 2 year old that the baby doesn't know better? Ugh.
Oh and remember a couple weeks ago when we had the stomach flu, and I bragged about how my kids never get sick? It turns our that karma is a bitch. I really should have known better. Last week Jillian began coughing. Then a fever was added into the mix. While Jillian's fever (but not her cough) subsided over the weekend, Hayden started coughing. Now I have two coughing babies and four nights of very little sleep. No amount of caffeine, it seems, can overcome the effects of sleeping in the recliner with a restless baby, which is what I resorted to after waking up ever 30 minutes to comfort Hayden. Her cries have become hoarse, which is perhaps the most pathetic sound in the world.
I am now just clinging to the hope that some time these girls will finally start feeling better and that I'll get some sleep. And that I won't get sick too.
Oh and remember a couple weeks ago when we had the stomach flu, and I bragged about how my kids never get sick? It turns our that karma is a bitch. I really should have known better. Last week Jillian began coughing. Then a fever was added into the mix. While Jillian's fever (but not her cough) subsided over the weekend, Hayden started coughing. Now I have two coughing babies and four nights of very little sleep. No amount of caffeine, it seems, can overcome the effects of sleeping in the recliner with a restless baby, which is what I resorted to after waking up ever 30 minutes to comfort Hayden. Her cries have become hoarse, which is perhaps the most pathetic sound in the world.
I am now just clinging to the hope that some time these girls will finally start feeling better and that I'll get some sleep. And that I won't get sick too.
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Joys of a SAHD
Have you ever left your husband alone with your kids? Do you want to know what happens when you do that day after day? Well it leads to decisions like this on how to dress your 2 year old when Snowpocalypse hits Seattle (aka a couple inches of snow).

Of course Jeramy defending himself well by pointing out that it was Jillian and not him that chose the outfit. And at least she thought to put on a hat.

Of course Jeramy defending himself well by pointing out that it was Jillian and not him that chose the outfit. And at least she thought to put on a hat.
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